Total Credits: 120 including 120 Ethics
Tags: Legal Ethics Trial Practice
The Rules of Professional Conduct indicate that an attorney who possesses unprivileged information that a judge has violated the Rules of Judicial Conduct shall inform the appropriate authority. And it is professional misconduct for a lawyer to knowingly assist a judge in conduct that is a violation of applicable rules of judicial conduct. Therefore, it is incumbent for every attorney to be familiar with the rules of Judicial Conduct and the type of conduct that is to be expected from the Bench.
In this interactive presentation attorneys will gain a working knowledge of the Rules of Judicial Conduct and attorneys will be polled on the appropriate discipline for judicial misconduct. We will then discuss the actual discipline imposed on the judges.
Finally, we will also review video clips of unethical conduct by the bench and review the disciplinary procedures used to sanction a judge. Attorneys have described this presentation as interesting, informative, entertaining, and dynamic.
Disorder in the Court 2022 webinar outline (35.9 KB) | 21 Pages | Available after Purchase |
Philip Bogdanoff is a nationally recognized continuing legal education speaker on the topics of ethics, professionalism, and other related topics. Previously, as an attorney, he served as assistant prosecutor in the Summit County, Ohio Prosecutor’s Office for more than 25 years, beginning in 1981. Mr. Bogdanoff argued cases before the Ohio Ninth District Court of Appeals and twenty cases before the Ohio Supreme Court including six death penalty cases - before retiring as a senior assistant prosecutor.
He is the author of numerous articles on ethics, professionalism and other related legal topics and has taught the members of numerous organizations including the National Association of Legal Administrators, as well as numerous state and local Bar associations, Prosecuting Attorney's Associations, and law firms. More information about Mr. Bogdanoff is available on his Web site at
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