Total Credits: 60 including 60 Elimination of Bias
Bill Cosby victimized nearly sixty women and was convicted of sexually assaulting Andrea Constand and sentenced to prison. However, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court reversed his convictions indicating he could not be tried again.
In 2006 the FBI did an extensive investigation of Jeffrey Epstein and found that he had sexually assaulted 37 girls, some as young as 14, and prepared a 53-page indictment. However, Epstein was never charged in federal court and pleaded guilty to state charges where he served only 13 months in jail with work release.
In this presentation we will discuss the Epstein and Cosby prosecutions and other cases where the legal system protects the predator and not the victims. Further, we will discuss why this occurs, how to prevent these miscarriages of justice and what steps we can take as lawyers to ensure that the legal system treats victims of sexual assault with dignity and respect.
Attorneys have described this program as very informative, really engaging, outstanding and “the best sexual issues seminar I have attended since [my State] adopted it's standard for annual CLE credit in this area.”
Battling Gender Bias outline (22 KB) | 6 Pages | Available after Purchase |
Philip Bogdanoff is a nationally recognized continuing legal education speaker on the topics of ethics, professionalism, and other related topics. Previously, as an attorney, he served as assistant prosecutor in the Summit County, Ohio Prosecutor’s Office for more than 25 years, beginning in 1981. Mr. Bogdanoff argued cases before the Ohio Ninth District Court of Appeals and twenty cases before the Ohio Supreme Court including six death penalty cases - before retiring as a senior assistant prosecutor.
He is the author of numerous articles on ethics, professionalism and other related legal topics and has taught the members of numerous organizations including the National Association of Legal Administrators, as well as numerous state and local Bar associations, Prosecuting Attorney's Associations, and law firms. More information about Mr. Bogdanoff is available on his Web site at
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